
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Goals and headbands, but not together }{ WIP Wednesdays

I'm sure many of you have read tips and advice for achieving success in your endeavors, right? Or am I the only one who seems to notice these things popping up everywhere?

Well, I do appreciate them and try to follow the ones that make sense to me and my context. One of these, probably the most common, suggests (actually it's more like commands) that we must make short term goals that lead to long term goals. They must be realistic and measurable goals with a deadline. That way you can keep yourself accountable to them - another well repeated tip.

Where am I going with this? I need to refocus my time on my goals. This blog is part of the picture, so this isn't a "I'm spending less time on this" kind of post. In fact, I use my blog to keep me accountable to my dreams. I have much respect for the written word, and once I write it down it's like a contract with myself. I don't want to write down exactly what I'm working on this summer because I think it may be too premature. But soon.

I need to rethink my strategies and stop being afraid of failure. I have this sign hanging on top of my craft space that says "a man is not finished when he's defeated; a man is finished when he quits." I need to take these words to heart.

I have less time now to work on my goals, what with the husband gone. Still, that does not mean I'm finished with them. I just need to adjust my strategy.

Enough rambling. 

I've been working on headbands for N. because I love them and think little girls look adorable with them. I learned how to make this particular one from a tutorial on No Biggie, a blog I love. The only modification I made was to keep the squares open when making the scalloped edges, it just worked better for me with the materials I chose. 

As you can see, N. refused to make normal faces today.  She wanted nothing to do with the camera today. I love this child.

How do you work towards your goals? How do you stay focused?


  1. Very nice portrait of this little girl. I like the colours and the special border. Amazing !

  2. Haha! She looks to be a handful! Love it!

    About goals and such -- maybe it's just me and where I'm at in my life, but I get up each day and really have no defined agenda but to notice nature's beauty, or bake or cook something new, and maybe take some photos to share on my blog.

    I like to keep it simple and spontaneous. :)

  3. Beautiful and fun pictures of this nice girl. Greetings.

  4. i do agree; always have the goals in sight en work on them. How? Difficult. Writing them down helps. Making what-to-do lists helps too. Making little steps to achieve the goals. On inspiration board above the working space.

    cutest girl :)

  5. How lovely that she is wearing the headband in the front and not the back! Monkey just won't do that! I can tell that N. has a mind of her own! The pictures are just too cute!

    I appreciate your thoughts on goals and maintaining focus. I'm struggling with finding time to accomplish all I want to do in a single day.

  6. Hello! answering your comment @ Light Trigger

    The second flower is made of glass! É vidro!
    It was taken in a decor exhibition! Foi tirada numa exposição de decoração!

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Great photos! such a fun face! i like the frame you used!

  7. These are the sweetest photos...hope you find time to do the things you LOVE xoxoxo

  8. Olá querida!!!
    Eu não tenho metas. faço planos as x da certo ou não, não tenho agenda, não gosto de relógio, nem celular, mas tem coisinhas diárias de rotina que tenho que fazer. A unica coisa que fiz foi me programar pra passar 5 dias de férias lá em São Paulo com minha filha, detesto sair, adoro ficar em casa. mas se fosse jovem com filhos pequenos tenho certeza que seria diferente.
    Bjos Carinhosos.

  9. ahahah, she's so playful! omoshiroii na when mommy aims the camera... - Mirage
