
Thursday, December 8, 2011

So much and nothing

A quick update: our house is very Christmasy!

Little hands love to help decorate

Oh how I wish I had seen that light on her face before she declared we were done for the day...
Yeah, she desperately needed a hair cut

And I am bogged down with so much going on...

But here's to hoping I can get through all this and come out stronger and wiser. And have more time to blog.

How have you been?


  1. She is just so gorgeous, the photos are fabulous! Little hands around here are also more than willing to help, mainly in the kitchen, which means many messes! But lots of fun, too :)


  2. She is beautiful!

    I hope life slows down enough for us all to enjoy the holidays, it seems like it is racing by so quickly.

  3. Gorgeous photos!
    Too much is going on right now! I'm just hoping to remember to slow down and enjoy the precious moments.

  4. Such joy....what a sweetie. xoxo Have oodles of Christmas fun my friend.

  5. SIGHHHHHhhhh! :-)
    I wish, i wish, i wish... YOU A MERRY CHISTMAS... And A HapPY NEw YEaR!
    It's so lovely at your home....
    Great bear of a hug ( will mail soon, promise!)

  6. Adorei que deu uma passadinha lá na minha cozinha. Você é de qual cidade daqui?

    1. Originalmente sou de Teresina no Piaui, mas ja moro nos Estados Unidos a quase 20 anos. As fotos que tirei na nossa visita ao Brasil foram la no litoral do estado.
