Sunday, May 22, 2011

Soaked }{ Illustration Friday

Trying to catch up. 

This week's prompt for Illustration Friday was "soaked." It's pretty appropriate since we've had nothing but rain lately. I like rain. I like the way the earth smells after it, the cool air that lingers once it's passed, the pitter-patter sounds on the window. I even like thunderstorms, always have. It reminds me of my childhood. The city I grew up in has one of the highest incidences of lightening hits in the world. 

In any case, soaked. This isn't a very original illustration, but it's what I kept going back to. It just seemed the right thing to represent it. 

mechanical pencil on recycled paper


  1. I love it - and I agree about everything you said about the lovely smell (after the rain) and thunderstorms. I love to sit inside when the lightening makes it´s thunder outside. :-)

  2. I love the rain... I love mostly everything about it. :)

    I hope you are keeping all these sketches you're making. I love them and I'm sure your girl would one day be inspired to make her own upon seeing these. :)

  3. Perfect "soaked" drawing! Speaking of rain...when will it stop?

    The Write Soil

  4. You convey so much with such a simple sketch!
