Friday, December 31, 2010

お正月 (oshougatsu) at our house

So. It'll be a new year in a few minutes. Wow. Time to say goodbye to 2010

Here's to a great New Year for everyone!

To celebrate:

I made some super easy origami boxes and put some candy for the new year coming in.

My husband made new year's soba.

And he'll be up all night making osechi. Yum.

Happy New Year!


  1. Lovely boxes - and the food looks interesting! Happy 2011 to you! :-)

  2. Cute boxes! Those are really fun! Wishing you and your family a very happy 2011! Just think of all the new and wonderful things your little one will see and do this year! :)

  3. A man who cooks! That's a KEEPER!!!!!!

  4. @ NaNa - No kidding! Before we started going out he made me soup when I was sick, and that was it. He had me at "I'll make you something"
