Sunday, May 22, 2011

Going off the schedule

In case anyone missed me, I'm sorry for the lack of posts and news or even visiting my favorite blogs and leaving comments. It's been a whirlwind over here since Thursday last week.

I won't go into details too much, but there will be some major changes happening in our household in the next few months. For a while I'll be alone with little N. Then by the Holidays we'll be reunited in a far away place. It's all a bit scary - temporary single motherhood, moving to a new place where I don't know anybody. I'm still trying to adjust to the news.

In the meantime, the husband and I only have a couple of weeks before the wheels start moving. So we're trying to spend some extra time together. That means, less time for blogging and visiting all of you at least for a couple of weeks. I'm sure you understand.

How do you deal with major changes in your life? How do you adjust your plans and wishes when a wrench is thrown in? I don't really want to go, but since I have to, I want to do it with a good attitude, any tips?


  1. did i miss something in a previous post? you are moving??

  2. Unexpected moves are hard - I've had a few in my life. I just try and focus on the new experiences and chances that will be coming my way - and not so much on what I'm leaving. So far it has worked. Looking back I've loved every move - I've met incredible people, experience a different way of life - and had plenty of material for my art and blog. Good luck!!

  3. Amadinha, primeiro de tudo tente ficar calma, para poder decidir ou resolver as coisas, acho que tu está falando de mudança, mas é bom , é a possibilidade que temos de conhecer coisas e pessoas novas, é um pouquinho difícil só no inicio, a gente tem uma coisa muito boa, se adapta logo.E nunca esqueça que" Deus sempre te dará um sonho que tu possa realizar".Ele está na frente de tudo, confie e siga.
    Bjos carinhosos pra todos vocês e muita, muita, sorte, alegria, Paz, amor, Saúde, Felicidades.
    Dê noticias logo!!!
    Bjos Carinhosos

  4. Oh man - no wonder you´ve been occupied!

    Well, I try to stay positive and focus on the opportunities when changes happens - easier said than done of course but works surprisingly well most of the times. So if I was you right now, I´d try to think that it will be interesting to see these new places, that it will be a great chance to meet new friends, that I´ll find new sources of inspiration and new insights.

    It has it´s downsides of course - being a single mom a lot of the time can be hard. However, I know you´ll get that to work as well pretty much because you just have to. And the times all of you can be together will be really precious.


  5. I'm excited for you! I agree with Jamie --focus on the new experiences and opportunities. :)

  6. Big changes seem all around lately! I think we each just deal with them the best we can. I wish you the strength needed to get through this transition and know that you are not alone. Turning to friends always helps me put things in perspective. Thank you for sharing what you are going through here as well. We are all pulling for you!
