Friday, May 27, 2011

A disjointed post with few words of my own

I don't have many words for you today. They got lost somewhere on my way here. Really. If you see them, tell them I need them to come back. I'll be waiting staring at the stars.

Here come the real stars to fill the upper skies,
And here on earth come emulating flies,
That, though they never equal stars in size,
(And they were never really stars at heart),
Achieve at times a very starlike start.
Only, of course, they can't sustain the part.

Robert Frost's Fireflies in the Garden

I have no words or fireflies, only fragments of thoughts and passing images I dreamt.

Do you know any fireflies? What do you dream of when you gaze upon the stars?


  1. Bom dia querida!
    Ah são tantos coisas, fecho os olhos e continuo sonhando, com coisas lindas pra mim, ser mais feliz, ter algo que quero, muito romântica....
    O resto não conto!
    Acho que meu vagalume vem iluminar meu sonho na escuridão.
    Te espero na festa de aniver"virtual".
    Bjos Carinhosos!

  2. Usually - when looking up on the stars - I feel so small and humble that I just gaze without thinking. Heaven takes my breathe away. :-)

    I hope your day has been as good as possible my friend - and this feels like a good day to tell you how much I appreciate you. :-)

  3. Such lovely images today my words are good...we no not always have to say something...images tell it all. Love the poem. Adore Robert Frost

    Happy weekend.

  4. amazing pictures you have posted here... so dreamy! No words needed at all.
    Love, Maaike

  5. What a lovely poem and beautiful pictures! It's been a while since I let myself just dream and look at the stars!
